Reclaim Your Personal Power
Mielle Fox
Aligned Wellness Coach
Energy Awareness Navigator
Certified Advanced Numerologist
EFT Practitioner
I help to shine the light of awareness on the deeper truths of the essence of who you are so you can find, once and for all, that your divine spark which exists within you has nothing to do with the things you own or the letters behind your name. And THIS…this is freedom.
How you define your self-worth and value IS LIKELY what prevents you from experiencing a life that you love, a life in which you feel truly free to be yourself, a life that you’re grateful for and a life you feel completely fulfilled with.
I am here because I endeavor to leave this planet better than when I came into it. And THIS, has nothing to do with my house, my car, my title, my 401K. It’s very simple - I AM VALUABLE BECAUSE I AM HERE. PERIOD.
I help you experience inner peace and a knowing of your wholeness, leading to a richer experience of your life.
You don’t know what you don't know until you do!
Without that knowing, how can we possibly make a change?
This is what my 20 min FREE curiosity call is for - to help you develop an awareness of the things that are standing between you and the life you want to live.
It’s that simple.
We arrive on this planet in a pure state of love and alignment. However, our human journey brings conditioning and patterns which jump us out of the alignment of our true being.
What we need to do is simply course correct. By exploring these areas of patterning and beliefs and working through them systematically you will take back your life, reclaim your power and really own your true essence of who you are at your deepest level.
Life’s too short to feel bad, to not go after what you want, so let's dive in. It's time. Choose you and choose a life expression which includes abundance, expansion and joy. Learn how opening your heart and being a receiver of all that is available for you will shift and transform your journey.